Monday, June 21, 2010

Breaking Free - The Contemptuous Eyeroll

The Contemptuous Eye Roll

This is an encore newsletter from a couple of years ago that I wanted to send out again because I've noticed a lot of contemptuous eye rolls lately... especially in American politics and current events.

We've been talking about expectations and perfection in the last few newsletters and that can often lead to devaluing of the human being (because our mind is overvaluing the idea or expectation).

The green text, like this text, is new information that I've added to the previous edition.

What I'd like to draw your attention to in this issue is how you can recognize when you are devaluing others. If you can learn to recognize a key component to this transposition of value, you will be one step closer to being able to bring positive value to those around you.

In my coaching practice, the key goal is to basically shorten and eventually eliminate the time between when you recognize you've messed up and when you actually messed up. If you, at this Pivotal Moment, can choose a different response, YOU will be able to be on your true path to success. If you don't choose to respond differently and ignore a sabotaging thought, you will greatly hinder your success.

Let's learn about a commonly overlooked (devaluing) expression...

World Famous Face Reader

Paul EkmanHave you ever heard of Paul Ekman? Dr. Paul Ekman is a professor of psychology who has become the world's most famous face reader. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and state and local police forces have turned to Dr. Ekman for help learning to read subtle emotional cues from the faces, voices and body language of potential assassins, terrorists and questionable visa applicants. The detailed knowledge of facial expression has earned Dr. Ekman a supporting role in the movie industry, where he has consulted with animators from Pixar and Industrial Light & Magic to give lifelike expressions to cartoon characters.

Dr. Ekman's work is also featured on the Fox show "Lie to me*". You can watch full episodes by going to

Dr. Ekman's expertise is very unique and can be very helpful when understanding when you are de-valuing others. For instance, Dr. Ekman is able to accurately predict whether a couple will divorce in the next 4 years simply by watching (not even hearing) a couple's conversation. He doesn't even need to see the whole conversation... he only needs to see 3-4 minutes to make his prediction.

He is right 94% of the time!!

How does he do it?