As I discussed in last month's newsletter, my focus this year is to help you increase the intrinsic (infinite, everlasting) value in and around your life. This month's newsletter is designed to help you do just that.
Our society worships talent - just look at how much we pay our athletes and star performers. Many people assume that possessing superior skill or intelligence - along with confidence - is the recipe for success.
However, Carol Dweck, a Psychology professor at Stanford University, says that more than 30 years of scientific investigation suggests that an
overemphasis on intellect or talent leaves people
a) vulnerable to failure,
b) fearful of challenges and
c) unwilling to remedy their deficiencies.
Can you believe that? How can over-focus on brain power and talent
prevent us from succeeding? That seems a bit counter-intuitive but let's look at this in more detail through the theory of "mindsets".
Theory of Mindsets
One theory says that there are 2 general classes of learners: fixed mind-set and growth mind-set.
People who have a
fixed mindset believe that “they are the way they are”. They believe that intelligence, skills, leadership, etc. are fixed traits. That doesn’t mean that they have less of a desire for a positive self-image than anyone else. They do, of course, want to look good, smell good and perform well. Yet, there are some characteristics evident in those with a fixed mindset:
- They Avoid Challenges - Rather than risk failing and negatively impacting their self-image, they will often avoid challenges and stick to what they know they can do well.
- They Avoid Obstacles - They would rather give up easily than risk not overcoming.
- They Ignore Negative Feedback - Well, ignore is the best of cases; feedback is often taken as an insult. They believe that any criticism of their capabilities is criticism of them personally.
- They are Threatened by the Success of Others - They will try to convince themselves and the people around them that the success of others was due to either luck or unethical actions.
- They Believe Effort is Fruitless - Hard work doesn't pay because 'you are what you are', 'you can only do what you can do'.
Do you know of anyone like that? Do you, at times, feel like that?
Let's now look at a growth mindset. {Click here to read the rest of the article.}